Pertento is an EU based raiding guild currently anticipating the Classic WoW release. We were commissioned by Pertento to design a new logo. The main focus was to create a logo that looks good on Merchandise products.

Logo development
Before we start designing the actual logo, we need to know how the logo shall look like in the end. The wish was to somehow combine the current logo version (Lion image below) with the actual guild tabard. The expression would be: Alliance guild, roleplay, discovery and exploration.
So we developed the idea of creating an item: a compass within a lion frame. The ingame target frame for elite NPC’s delivered the inspiration for this. Time for a sketch.
The sketch that sold the idea
All those ideas needed to be summarized in a visual way!
So this sketch, which clearly shows a lion that has a compass embedded into its maw…or a baboon holding a watch.
Professional designer by the way.
The mindblowing sketch sold the idea and built the foundation for the illustration process.
The illustration process
The first step of creating the illustration was to draw the outlines based on the sketch.
After the outlines were done, we continued with the coloring. We set gold as the base color.
The next steps were adding shadows and lights to give the whole design depth and life. You can see the progress in the slider next to this paragraph.